Travis Walker

Welcome to my website! I am Travis Walker, a single dad who loves God, my family, my country, my truck, and MUSIC! I am a U.S. Army veteran (HOO-AH) having served as a Combat Engineer for the Big Red One in Ft. Riley, Kansas. Whatever I am doing in life, music is my constant companion. Mama says I sang myself to sleep before I could talk.

Born and raised in Greenville, South Carolina, I love the mountains and the beach - Myrtle Beach to be exact, and my Clemson Tigers. I drive an AWESOME 2013 Chevrolet Silverado pickup and nothing suits better than riding with the windows down on a back road singing with the radio. As a country boy, I love baseball hats, ice cold beer and lazy Sunday afternoons with friends and family.
My kids are my foundation and they keep me grounded while I dream of taking my music to new heights. I hope you enjoy your visit here and please share the word.
Listen now on Semper Fi Country